We are in a very tight market there are some listings coming to the market daily but not nearly enough. This is causing a great opportunity for sellers but makes it tough for buyers. Here are some tips for buyers: 1. Understand the risks of a subject-free offer and learn what you can do to make it a little less risky. It is important to understand what the conditions are and h Read more →
Here is the information for Canada's National Housing Strategy. Have a read through and see if you can take advantage of the program. The First-time home buyer ioncentive helps qualified first-time homebuyers reduce their monthly mortgage carrying costs without adding to their financial burdens. The First-Time Home Buyer Incentive helps people across Canada purchase their first home Read more →
Home buyers often start their search with a long list of must-haves ... only to find they need to whittle it way down once they see what's within reach. Unless you're a bazillionaire, it's impossible to check all those boxes on the wish list. So, how do buyers decide what pieces of their dream (home) they're willing to hack off? Imagine a triangle with price, lo Read more →